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5 Tips To Beat Holiday Bloating!

Don’t you just love the holiday season!

We are spending more time with family and friends; seeing people we may have not seen in a while. Attending parties, social gatherings, and preparing for Christmas and New Year’s.  We are enjoying ourselves and maybe even indulging a little more than usual. ?

Let me tell you, it is okay to give in to temptation once in a while!

But temptation can lead to feeling bloated, having less energy, and maybe even anxiety and stress.  For me personally, if I start to eat more sugary foods, my anxiety level increases.  And, as soon as I recognize it and cut back on the sugars, my anxiety lessens.

How can we enjoy the holiday season and feel good at the same time?

Some of the strategies that have helped me to keep the bloat down, the digestion working, and lower the stress and anxiety levels are:

  1. Drink lots of water! When we do not drink enough water we become dehydrated which in turn makes our bodies store water which causes bloating!  So drink water to release the extra water.  Yes, you heard that right. Drink water to get rid of water!Secondly, we can mistaken thirst for hunger.  Therefore, when feeling hungry, drink a glass of water first and then see if the hunger feeling is still there. If it is, then make a healthy snack choice.
  2. Fill up on fruits and veggies! They are a great way to keep the digestive system working. Try to prepare as much as possible ahead of time so that you can grab and go. If you don’t have time, a great alternative is to drink a smoothie.A couple of amazing organic superfood options that make it really easy for you are the Power Shake (loaded with phytonutrients and anti oxidants) and Apothe Cherry (high in antioxidants and has natural melatonin to help with sleep).  I consume both regularly! If interested in knowing more, contact me or go to my online store and use the gift code: anitaduwel
  1. Eat slowly and mindfully! Eating too quick will make it hard for our bodies to digest properly and cause overeating and bloating.  Therefore, be mindful of the food you are consuming, chew slowly and enjoy it. Enjoy the company just as much as you are enjoying the food.  If you are eating on the run, have prepared items on hand or drink a high nutrient Power Shake.
  2. Move! As we get busy around the holidays, we tend to move less.  Make an effort to do something and make it something you like to do.  A great idea is to grab everyone and go for a nice walk after the meal. If you have eaten a little too much, walking will help with the digestion and will make you feel better!Doing just 20-30 minutes of exercise has many benefits: it improves your mood, reduces stress, reduces anxiety and helps you to sleep better.
  3. Be kind to yourself! Make a bit of time for you and you will be better for it.  If it is only 15 minutes that is okay. Do what you like to do: read something, take photos, walk, dance, have a manicure, go to a spa, meditate, etc. Remember, the holidays are supposed to be fun and not stressful!

Slow down, beat the bloat, and enjoy the holidays!

Join my Facebook group Aging with Vitality for tips, strategies, motivation, fun, and support on aging gracefully!


Check out our Health SAVVY Facebook page for great health tips, inspiration, and resources!


Or if you would like to reach out to me personally, just send me an email at anitaduwel@live.com and I will get back to you!


Are you interested in organic, vegan superfoods? Check out my SUPERFOODS store! Gift card code: anitaduwel


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