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7 Amazing Benefits of Laughter: Laugh your way to a healthy life!

Laughing, what a great way to increase your wellbeing!

Science is showing that individuals who are positive about life and laugh often tend to be healthier and better able to fight diseases compared to others who have a negative frame of mind.

The best part is that laughter has so many benefits; it is contagious and it does not have to cost anything!

“I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person.” — Audrey Hepburn

My 7 Benefits to Laughter

1. Reduces stress

It seems that many of us are leading hectic, stressful lives! Laughter is wonderful for stress reduction as it decreases the stress hormones (cortisol and epinephrine) making us feel better both emotionally and physically.

If we don’t reduce those hormones, we can be more prone to illnesses and infections!

2. Triggers the Release of Endorphins

When we laugh, we produce more endorphins which are our body’s natural feel-good chemicals. They can help us to feel focused, temporarily relieve pain, and put us into a better mood.

3. Lowers Blood Pressure

Laughter can help lower blood pressure by improving blood flow. High blood pressure puts us at risk of stroke or heart attack. So, take the time to find laughter in your life!

4. Increases Blood Circulation

The increased blood flow that comes from laughter will help improve our circulation. This will have a positive affect on our heart health and will help to reduce stress.

5. Ease Muscle Tension

A good laugh will contract muscles and relieve physical tension and stress.

Did you know that after a good laugh, your muscles can remain relaxed for up to 45 minutes?

6. Reduces Depression

Laughter can play its part as a mild anti-depressant. It increases the production of serotonin which is known as a natural anti-depressant.

Since it reduces stress and gives us that feel-good feeling, it puts us into a positive frame of mind which means there is less likelihood that we will feel depressed.

7. Brings Energy Into Your Life

Laughter helps us to energize our mind and our body. Which means better focus and more spunk in our step!

In closing

Laughter is contagious! If you find yourself in a room of laughing people, the air around you is tension free, there is an amazing feeling of camaraderie, and there is high, positive energy!

Not only does laughing make us feel good, it helps those around us to feel good as well! Let’s spread he wealth of laughter!

How can you incorporate more laughter into your life?

  • Read or watch something funny
  • Don’t take life too seriously
  • Hang out with people who have a good sense of humor.
  • Hang something up in your office that will make you laugh
  • Go to a comedy show

Here’s to a year full of laughter!

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Or if you would like to reach out to me personally, just send me an email at anitaduwel@live.com and I will get back to you!


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