Are you hearing the term Self Care more and more? You should be! It is the most important thing that you can do for yourself!
It has a direct affect on who you are as a person: your attitude, your confidence, your stress levels, your physical and mental wellbeing, and your coping skills in this fast paced society that can be very demanding of your time!
It is about being gentle and kind to yourself. It is recognizing when your energy levels are low or your stress levels are getting to be a bit too much and then being able to do something about it before it becomes all too encompassing.
If you don’t take care of yourself, then how can you expect to take care of others, manage all your responsibilities without being tired, depressed, or burnt out?
You may be saying “I just don’t have time for myself. My kids and family need me; work is crazy busy; I have to clean, cook, do groceries; my aging parents need me!” All the more reason that you need some Self Care!
What can you do? Here is a long list of suggested ideas (I am sure you can add to this!)
- Sit in the warm sun for 10-15 minutes and get a dose of vitamin D
- Go for a walk and use your senses to really see what is in front you, hear the noises around you, feel the wind upon you, see how many different smells you can identify
- Enjoy a small treat and take the time to chew it and taste it
- Have a massage
- Watch a sunset or sunrise
- Take a few minutes to write your feelings in a journal
- If you need support or help, speak to someone you trust
- If you need to cry, find a quiet place and let it out; holding it in will not do you any good.
- When you need to laugh watch or read something funny. Find that friend or colleague who is always telling jokes
- You can meditate for 1-2 minutes or more if you have the time. Meditation is very good for stress release.
- Breathing exercises can be done anywhere!
- Write 3 things in a journal that you are grateful for on a daily basis and when you are feeling tired and overwhelmed, read what you have written
- Move: dance, walk, bike, yoga, etc; take up a new sport or join a new class
- Nap when you need it (no more than 15-20 minutes) or catnap at work for 5 minutes
- Give yourself permission to say NO when you are too tired or don’t want to do something
- Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. If not possible as when there is a new born in the house, take turns on who gets up with the baby. Aim for quality of sleep.
- Seek out social interactions with positive people
- Have coffee or Go for lunch with a friend,
- Alone time can be good to as it allows you to relax, maybe do some reflection, or just do nothing
- Be mindful about where you eat and how you eat. Are you eating regularly. Are you preparing your meals and snacks
- When at work, stretch, take a brief walk to the water cooler or to a colleagues desk, listen to relaxing music when on break
- Read a book
- Have a warm relaxing bath
- Knit, crochet
- Play an instrument
The key here is to find something that you like to do or want to learn to do and/or is fun to do! Something that is easy for you to implement.
Make it a habit and you will start to see positive change. There is only one YOU, take care of yourself and you will have a much brighter and happier view of the world you live in!
Join me in my FREE webinar ‘Focus on Your Best Self’ where we will discuss more on wellbeing and what you can do to help you be your best self! Click on the button below for more information.
To self care