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6 Steps to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions!

Do you make weight loss resolutions every year that you have difficulty keeping? Or any other resolutions? 

I have definitely been there. I tried to do it all with no plan in place and ultimately it ended up in failure.

We make these resolutions with very good intentions and then the next thing you know; we are having difficulty achieving the results! We don’t follow through!

So how do you make your resolutions achievable? 

(At the end of this article, you will see sample resolutions that are more specific)

It should mean something to you.

Is it something you want to do or is it something that someone else wants you to do.

Your why is extremely important. It contains the motivation needed to help you achieve your goal. “I want to be healthy enough to play with my children/grandchildren; to travel; to lower my blood pressure and cholesterol; to have more energy, etc. 

It should be realistic. 

Many resolutions fail because they are too general in nature or unrealistic. “I will get healthy this year” or “I will lose 40 pounds in two months” or “I will go to the gym and exercise every day”

A better goal might be “I will lose 30 pounds in 6 months or 60 pounds in 12 months by taking it one step at a time and getting the support I need to do it.”  “I will start by going to the gym three times a week for 30 minutes.” Otherwise if you say “I am going to go on a strict diet starting today and go to the gym every day, chances are it will be too difficult to keep it up.

There should be a plan in place.

What is your long term goal? What are your daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals? (5 pounds a month, exercise 3 times a week, etc); Do you have support? Have you put together your grocery list? Do you have meal plans?

Do you have your exercise times mapped out in your agenda?  (putting things into your daily agenda increases the likelihood that it will get done!)

Tell others.

Let your family and friends know what your goals are and let them know that you would love it if they would support you. Telling others will increase your chances of achievement.

If you find, you do not have their support, then find a friend who will be your biggest supporter. And if that is difficult, maybe a health coach is someone you could work with. 

You could partner with someone to go walking, dancing, yoga, to the gym or any other form of exercise.   If you and a friend are following a weight loss plan together, you could share menu ideas, text each other motivation and inspiration comments. You could join healthy Facebook groups for additional support and motivation. In fact, you are invited to join our Health SAVVY group. And if you are 40 years of age or over, you are invited to also join the Aging with Vitality group.

Document it!

Start by taking your measurements (chest, waist, hips, arms, legs) and your weight. Take before and after pictures. As the days go by, document what you have eaten, what you did for exercise, and how you have felt.  As time goes on, you will start to see a positive change in how you are feeling

What do you do if you have a set back?

It is not possible to be perfect every day, hour and minute.  So, how do you handle a set back? Give yourself permission for the slip up and just move forward.  Do not beat yourself up over it. It is done and there is nothing you can do about it.  Do you allow for cheat days?  Have you looked at your calendar for events that are coming up and prepared for them?

Planning out your resolution is extremely important, willpower alone will not work!  If you need help you can ask a nutrition coach to help you get started and be accountable to. Someone that will motivate and inspire you. Someone that will help you move forward one step at a time so that you can have success.  Contact me for a FREE 30 minute consultation! I would love to support you. 

Following is an example of a resolution that is more specific: 

My resolution is to lose 40 pounds this year because I am starting to have problems with my health (high blood pressure and high cholesterol) and I want to be able to enjoy life without having health issues. I want to be able to play with my children/grandchildren and do some travelling.

I will lose the 40 pounds this year by implementing a lifestyle change one step at a time. I will jumpstart my healthy eating goals by doing a healthy cleanse to help cut my cravings and put me onto the right nutritional path. I will then follow that up with a nutrition plan that will help guide my eating habits.  My first step will be to clean out my pantry and fridge and put together a grocery list of what I will need to make nutritious meals.

I will walk three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday during my lunch) for 20-30 minutes or more depending on the day. I will do something for myself for 15-30 minutes each day. Most likely reading as I love to read.  

I have scheduled my activities into my agenda and I have told my family and friends and have asked them to support me. I have a partner who is willing to walk with me during our lunch period (motivation). I have recorded my measurements, my weight and have taken before and after pictures.

I know when there are specific events coming up that could possibly put me off my plan, but I have contingencies in place for that. I will keep record of what I have eaten, any activities I have done, and how I am feeling.

To help motivate me, I have joined the Health SAVVY Facebook page and the Aging with Vitality Facebook group!

If you would like additional support, motivation, and guidance, you could work with a nutritional coach.  If that is something you might be interested in, I invite you to contact me for a FREE 30 minute consultation.

Here’s to a healthy 2019!

Join my Facebook group Aging with Vitality for tips, strategies, motivation, fun, and support on aging gracefully!

Check out our Health SAVVY Facebook page for great health tips, inspiration, and resources!

Or if you would like to reach out to me personally, just send me an email at anitaduwel@live.com and I will get back to you!

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