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11 Easy Ways To Show Kindness And Its Impact!

What is the impact of showing kindness?

Does it really improve your life and wellbeing?


An act of kindness will brighten someone’s day. And not just their’s.  Yours as well!

It does not have to be complicated or difficult. It can be very easy and quick to show kindness and it can be done by anyone at any age!

It is an action that is done for someone else without expecting anything in return.

Impact of Showing Kindness

 It makes us happy. We will experience an increase in dopamine which is the feel good chemical!

It makes us positive.  If we can practice kindness for at least 14 days in a row, we will be on our way to a more positive mindset which in turn will better our own quality of life!

It has a positive impact on the immune system! Because it can lower stress and inflammation, it can keep us feeling younger!

It is contagious. Chances are when someone sees or receives an act of kindness, they will most likely perform an act of kindness themselves. Therefore one act of kindness that is done in front of others can have multiple acts of kindness that follow!

“Research has shown that a simple act of kindness directed toward another improves the functioning of the immune system and stimulates the production of serotonin in both the recipient of the kindness and the person extending the kindness. Kindness extended, received or observed beneficially impacts the physical health and feelings of everyone involved.”

-Wayne W. Dyer

Following are 11 Easy Ways to Show Kindness

1.   Smile at everyone, even if they are a stranger

2.   Give someone a compliment

3.   Volunteer some time

4.   Bring someone a coffee or their favourite snack

5.   Tell someone they are doing a great job

6.   Put a note on someone’s windshield that tells them to have a great day

7.   Post a positive message on Facebook or any other social media

8.   When in a coffee shop, pay for the coffee, tea, or drink of the person behind you

9.   Pass a book you have just finished reading to someone else

10. Buy an extra item at the grocery store and put it in the donation basket

11. And, last but not least, be kind to yourself

Share on Facebook how it made you feel and what the reaction of the other person was!

Here’s to kindness!

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